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Heian Nidan - Peaceful Mind Kata 2 - STEP BY STEP


1. Hachi Dachi, Bow

2. Look to the left, step out to the left, back stance with left foot forward, cup and saucer in the right side chamber, bring arms up, double square block.

3. High outside block left arm, punch under with right arm

4. Pull right hand back into chamber and bottom fist left hand simultaneously

5. Look to the right, shift back stance to the right, cup and saucer in the left chamber, bring

arms up, double square block.

6. High outside block right arm, punch under with left arm

7. Pull left hand back into chamber and bottom fist right hand simultaneously


8. Bring your left foot up half way, bring your right foot back half way till feet are together, cup and saucer left chamber, sidekick back fist right arm, right leg.

9. Step down into back stance (facing opposite direction of sidekick) left foot forward, knife hand block with the left hand.

10. Step forward back stance right foot forward, knife hand block with the right hand.

11. Step forward back stance left foot forward, knife hand block with the left hand.

12. Step forward into front stance, right foot forward, spear hand with right hand & reinforced with the left. KIAI!


13. Look over your left shoulder, bring your left foot next to your right foot as you rotate (on your right foot) around to your left (counterclockwise) until your feet briefly come together, continue moving left foot only into back stance knife hand block, left foot left hand. (You will be making the letter K in steps 13-16)

14. Bring right foot up to left and continue with the right foot towards the corner, back stance knife hand strike, right foot, right hand.

15. Look over your right shoulder, Bring right foot back to left foot until feet briefly come together then continue with right foot towards the opposite wall, back stance knife hand block, right foot, right hand.

16. Bring left foot up to right and continue with the left foot towards the corner, back stance knife hand strike, left foot, left hand.


17. Move the left foot toward your left side (about 2 shoulder widths), Right hand shields behind you, while left hand scoops low over your left leg. Very large scooping inside block with your right arm as you shift hips forward into a proper forward stance.  You should be over twisting the hips at this point to help in the large scooping inside block.

18. Front snap kick with the right leg to un-twist your hips, step down into front stance right foot forward, then left hand reverse punch. Shift front foot back into high forward stance (Sho-zenkutsudachi) while performing large scooping inside block with left arm, again over twisting of the hips.

19. Front snap kick with the left foot to un-twist, step down into front stance with the left foot forward, right hand reverse punch.

20. Step forward into front stance, right foot forward, double arm strike, right arm forward, left

arm reinforcing.


21. Look over your left shoulder, bring your left foot next to your right foot as you rotate (on your right foot) around to your left (counterclockwise) until your feet briefly come together, continue moving left foot only into forward stance, downward block, left foot left hand. Then move left hand to a shield position toward the corner. (You will be making the letter K in steps 21-?)

22. Step to the corner, front stance right foot, overhead strike right arm.

23. Step right foot back until your feet briefly come together; continue moving right foot only, downward block in front stance, right foot right hand. Then move right hand to a shield position towards the corner.

24. Step to the corner, front stance left foot, overhead strike left arm. KIAI!

25. Step back with the left foot, Hachi Dachi.


As of 8-28-14 JK

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