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Heian Shodan - Peaceful Mind Kata 1 - STEP BY STEP


1. Hachi Dachi, Bow

2. Look to the left, step to the left, front stance downward block, left foot, left


3. Step forward punch, right foot, right hand.

4. Look over your right shoulder, stepping back with your right foot while pivoting on the left, your feet briefly come together, then continue with your right foot…downward block front stance, right foot right hand.

5. Bring your front foot back into Cat Stance, bottom fist strike with right hand

6. Step forward punch in front stance, left foot, left hand.


7. Look over your left shoulder, bring your left foot in, feet briefly come together, then move it towards the front (original direction of your Hachi Dachi), downward block, left foot, left hand.

8. Shield with the left hand (without stepping).

9. Step forward overhead strike in front stance, right foot, right hand. Then open the hand that is above your head to simulate a grab.

10. Step forward overhead strike in front stance, left foot, left hand. Then open the hand that is above your head to simulate a grab.

11. Step forward overhead strike in front stance, right foot, right hand KIAI!  Then open the hand that is above your head to simulate a grab.


12. Look over your left shoulder, bring your left foot towards your right foot as you rotate (on your right foot) around to your left (counterclockwise) until your feet briefly come together, then continue with the left foot only, downward block in front stance, left foot left hand.

13. Step forward punch front stance, right foot, right hand.

14. Look back over your right shoulder, step back with the right foot until your feet briefly come together, continue to pivot (on the left foot) with the right foot moving only, downward block in front stance, right foot, right hand.

15. Step forward punch, left foot, left hand.


16. Look over your left shoulder, bring your left foot back until your feet briefly come together, then move it towards the back of the room (opposite your original Hachi Dachi), downward block, left foot, left hand.

17. Step forward punch in front stance, right foot, right hand.

18. Step forward punch in front stance, left foot, left hand.

19. Step forward punch in front stance, right foot, right hand KIAI!


20. Look over your left shoulder, bring your left foot next to your right foot as you rotate (on your right foot) around to your left (counterclockwise) until your feet briefly come together, continue moving left foot only into back stance knife hand block, left foot left hand. (You will be making the letter K in steps 20-23)

21. Bring right foot up to left and continue with the right foot towards the corner, back stance knife hand strike, right foot, right hand.


22. Look over your right shoulder, Bring right foot back to left foot until feet briefly come together then continue with right foot towards the opposite wall, back stance knife hand block, right foot, right hand.

23. Bring left foot up to right and continue with the left foot towards the corner, back stance knife hand strike, left foot, left hand.

24. Step back with the left foot, Hachi Dachi.


As of 8-28-14 JK


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